The Albion cargo team recently arranged a charter flight to uplift a total of seven Toyota Land Cruisers on an A300F for an international relief agency. This particular flight required careful planning and several modifications had to be made to the vehicles to ensure that all the vehicles could fit into one flight. Prior to the charter flight the Albion cargo team dispatched one of their experienced flight managers to inspect the vehicles and held separate meetings with the ground handling agent at the origin airport to agree on a safe method for loading into the aircraft. Through meticulous planning, the charter flight was executed successfully with all seven vehicles being uplifted on schedule to their final destination.
Lewis King (Albion Aviation Group Director) comments “This charter flight was far from straightforward and required several weeks of planning and careful modifications had to be made to the vehicles by the manufacturer, so as to ensure that all seven vehicles could be uplifted in the A300F. As demonstrated from the pictures, it was a very tight load with very little space remaining inside the aircraft once all seven vehicles had been loaded!”